The increased number of iBuyers in our market cost sellers $14 billion in equity last year, so today I’d like to share how you can protect yours.

I recently read an article that explained how sellers lost $14 billion in equity last year because of the increasing number of iBuyers entering our market. Selling to these companies is usually advertised as a convenient deal, but is actually a very ineffective move for today’s sellers. 

There are significant drawbacks to selling to an iBuyer. For one, they charge several hidden fees, which are often much higher than a typical commission fee. Also, these iBuyer companies buy homes far below market value.

“By making the right repairs, you can earn a high return and achieve a smoother sale overall.”

So, what should you do instead? 

First: Partner with an experienced real estate expert. They will be able to guide you through all the necessary steps to selling your home quickly and for top dollar. And, in today’s market, one of the best ways to achieve this is by making strategic repairs. Did you know that 71% of buyers are afraid to purchase a home that needs work? By making the right repairs, you can earn a high return and achieve a smoother sale overall. 

So if you have any other questions, would like more information, or would like more information about how we can protect your equity during your sale, feel free to give me or my team a call or send us an email. We look forward to hearing from you soon.