If you’ve been thinking of selling but are worried that you should wait until the new year, today’s message is for you.

The holiday season is often discounted as a poor time to sell a home, but is this true? Actually, there are many advantages to listing at this time of year. 

Still, the question remains: Should you sell your home now or wait until next year? 

There are a few things to keep in mind as you make this decision. 

If you choose to list now, you’ll be able to enjoy the decreased competition that is typical of the winter months. Fewer home sellers put their homes up on the market at this time of year, which means those who do have the unique advantage of standing out from among relatively few options. This creates a higher demand for your home and—since buyers are more serious at this time of year—leaves you with a good chance of earning top dollar.

“There’s no bad time to list your home here in Phoenix, where our market is full of opportunities all year long.”

Those who wait until after the holidays have certain advantages, too, though. The holidays are a busy time of year as it is, so trying to sell through them isn’t right for everyone. Also, while you may encounter a few looky-loos once the new year rolls around, more buyers tend to come out of the woodwork, in general, once winter comes to an end. 

The truth is that there’s no bad time to list your home here in Phoenix, where our market is full of opportunities all year long. 

So, if you have any other questions, would like more information, or want to know how I can help you sell your home, feel free to give me a call or send me an email. I look forward to hearing from you soon.