When buying a house, I recommend very highly that you also get a home warranty. There are a couple of important reasons why.

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Having a home warranty in place is one of the most important aspects of buying a house, next to the home inspection. What are all the benefits of having a home warranty?

It guarantees you’ll be free and clear of any additional out-of-pocket costs for the next 12 months after you buy the house. Many things can go wrong inside a house with all the plumbing, heating, cooling, air conditioning, and electrical systems. If something does go wrong, your warranty is there to protect you. For a $60 deductible, they’ll cover anything you want for that 12-month period.


Home warranties are renewable, so you can keep yours indefinitely if you like. They’ve helped many clients of mine over the years—both buyers and sellers. I also have home warranties on all the properties I own, and whenever something goes wrong, one quick call to the home warranty company saves the day.

If you buy a house with us and we can’t get a home warranty negotiated in the purchase contract, we’ll buy one for you.

If you have any questions about the benefits of a home warranty or you’re thinking about buying or selling a home, don’t hesitate to reach out to me. I’d be happy to help you.